path: root/src/lib.rs
diff options
authorDaniel Schadt <kingdread@gmx.de>2021-11-09 12:46:43 +0100
committerDaniel Schadt <kingdread@gmx.de>2021-11-09 12:50:33 +0100
commitd21c5dc9c53b02620fce916ffc1a2695e9d3f698 (patch)
treefb17ba6ee4e0a1ed532ab6e570418abff5264616 /src/lib.rs
parent919796ec954414ae16f113896bdf212381c96437 (diff)
Separate the binary and library
This uses the workspace feature of cargo, with the benefit that 1) We can more cleanly group the binary (user facing) code from the library 2) We can have dependencies that apply to the binary only The first point could've been achieved without workspaces (Cargo supports both binaries and libraries in a crate), but the second point is what really makes this approach a lot better.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib.rs b/src/lib.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index f9b1c8b..0000000
--- a/src/lib.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-//! ModderBaas is a library that allows you to manage Minetest mods.
-//! The main point of the library is to be used by the `modderbaas` CLI application, however it can
-//! also be used in other Rust programs that want a (limited) API to interact with Minetest
-//! content.
-//! # Representation
-//! Most objects ([`Game`], [`World`], [`MineMod`], [`Modpack`]) are represented by the path to the
-//! on-disk directory that contains the corresponding game/world/mod/modpack. The initializers take
-//! care that the directory contains a valid object.
-//! Many of the query operations do not do any caching, so avoid calling them in tight loops. If
-//! you want to do a lot of name queries (e.g. to find installed mods), consider using a
-//! [`Snapshot`].
-//! # Racing
-//! ModderBaas expects that during the time of its access, no other application meddles with the
-//! directories. It will *not* lead to crashes, but you will get a lot more error return values.
-//! # Mutability
-//! Some objects support mutating their state. This is usually done by directly writing the data
-//! into the corresponding file. Therefore, those methods (even though they mutate state) only take
-//! a shared reference (`&self`) — keep that in mind!
-//! # Crate Structure
-//! Most game objects are implemented in their own module and re-exported at the crate root:
-//! * [`game`]
-//! * [`minemod`]
-//! * [`world`]
-//! Interacting with mods from the internet/ContentDB is done through two modules:
-//! * [`contentdb`]
-//! * [`download`]
-//! Some modules contain auxiliary functions:
-//! * [`kvstore`]
-//! * [`util`]
-//! Error definitions are in [`error`].
-//! [`baas`] contains functions and data to interact with the global Minetest installation.
-use std::{fs, path::Path};
-use log::debug;
-macro_rules! regex {
- ($re:literal $(,)?) => {{
- static RE: once_cell::sync::OnceCell<regex::Regex> = once_cell::sync::OnceCell::new();
- RE.get_or_init(|| regex::Regex::new($re).unwrap())
- }};
-pub mod baas;
-pub mod contentdb;
-pub mod download;
-pub mod error;
-pub mod game;
-pub mod kvstore;
-pub mod minemod;
-pub mod util;
-pub mod world;
-pub use baas::{Baas, Snapshot};
-pub use contentdb::ContentDb;
-pub use download::{Downloader, Source};
-pub use error::Error;
-pub use game::Game;
-pub use minemod::{MineMod, Modpack};
-pub use world::World;
-use error::Result;
-/// Scan all files in the given directory.
-/// Files for which `scanner` returns `Ok(..)` will be collected and returned. Files for which
-/// `scanner` returns `Err(..)` will be silently discarded.
-/// This function is useful to iterate through the items in a directory and find fitting objects:
-/// ```rust
-/// use modderbaas::minemod::MineMod;
-/// let mods = scan("/tmp", |p| MineMod::open(p))?;
-/// ```
-pub fn scan<W, P: AsRef<Path>, F: for<'p> Fn(&'p Path) -> Result<W>>(
- path: P,
- scanner: F,
-) -> Result<Vec<W>> {
- debug!("Scanning through {:?}", path.as_ref());
- let mut good_ones = vec![];
- for entry in fs::read_dir(path)? {
- let entry = entry?;
- if let Ok(i) = scanner(&entry.path()) {
- good_ones.push(i);
- }
- }
- Ok(good_ones)