tag namev1.2.0 (0e4bc6910083b6186019b61e333e970ef3dc97b1)
tag date2020-05-16 12:42:29 +0200
tagged byDaniel <kingdread@gmx.de>
tagged objectcommit d0563f9dd7...
Release version 1.2.0
Added - An indicator for whether a fight was done with Challenge Mote activated. - A -cm filter to filter logs based on the Challenge Mote. - The --sort command line argument to sort the output. Changed - Boss names are now taken from evtclib - "Matthias" is now "Matthias Gabrel". - "Cairn" is now "Cairn the Indomitable". - "Desmina" is now "Soulless Horror". - "Largos Twins" is now "Twin Largos". - "Qadim The Peerless" is now "Qadim the Peerless". - "Skorvald" is now "Skorvald the Shattered". - Regular expressions are now matched case-insensitive. - Players in a subgroup are now sorted by their account names.