//! A crate defining different output formats for search results. use std::fmt::Write; use super::super::guilds; use super::{FightOutcome, LogResult}; use chrono::Local; /// An output format pub trait Format: Sync + Send { /// Format a single log result fn format_result(&self, item: &LogResult) -> String; } /// The human readable, colored format. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct HumanReadable { pub show_guilds: bool, } impl Format for HumanReadable { fn format_result(&self, item: &LogResult) -> String { use colored::Colorize; let mut result = String::new(); writeln!( result, "{}: {}", "File".green(), item.log_file.to_string_lossy() ) .unwrap(); let outcome = match item.outcome { FightOutcome::Success => "SUCCESS".green(), FightOutcome::Wipe => "WIPE".red(), }; writeln!( result, "{}: {} - {}: {}{} {} after {}", "Date".green(), item.time .with_timezone(&Local) .format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %a"), "Boss".green(), item.encounter .map(|x| x.to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| "unknown".into()), if item.is_cm { " CM" } else { "" }, outcome, humantime::Duration::from(item.duration.to_std().unwrap()), ) .unwrap(); for player in &item.players { write!( result, " {:2} {:20} {:19} {:12}", player.subgroup, player.account_name.yellow(), player.character_name.cyan(), player.profession, ) .unwrap(); if self.show_guilds { let guild = player.guild_id.as_ref().and_then(|id| guilds::lookup(id)); if let Some(guild) = guild { write!( result, " [{}] {}", guild.tag().magenta(), guild.name().magenta(), ) .unwrap(); } } writeln!(result).unwrap(); } result } } /// A format which outputs only the file-name #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct FileOnly; impl Format for FileOnly { fn format_result(&self, item: &LogResult) -> String { let filename = item.log_file.to_string_lossy(); format!("{}\n", filename) } }