path: root/raidgrep.1.asciidoc
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-05-04Add a -log-before & -log-after predicateDaniel
With the file name heuristic for -before and -after in place, we might want a way for the user to disable it. For now, we simply do this by providing a new set of predicates without the filter. In the future, we might have a --disable-heuristics switch to disable the heuristics, in case we ever add more.
2020-05-04fix asciidoc markupDaniel
2020-05-03update manpageDaniel
2020-05-03slight formatting fix in manualDaniel
If we use +, then the -- is turned into – instead of staying like this. That is not what we want.
2020-05-01write a manual for raidgrepDaniel
This is the first version of a raidgrep manpage. It is written in asciidoc and can be converted to a Linux manpage by using a2x -f manpage raidgrep.1.asciidoc This will produce a file called raidgrep.1, which is the manpage: man -l raidgrep.1 Alternatively, you can also generate a nice HTML page, suitable for online-hosting or non-Linux-systems: asciidoc raidgrep.1.asciidoc will produce raidgrep.1.html.