//! Lazy tiled image. //! //! This supports OSM-style "tiled" images, but not all of the tiles have to be present. If a tile //! is not present, a default pixel is returned. The tile is allocated with the first call to a //! mutating operation. use std::{ fs::{self, File}, io::BufWriter, path::Path, }; use color_eyre::eyre::{bail, Result}; use fnv::FnvHashMap; use image::{ codecs::png::{CompressionType, FilterType, PngEncoder}, ColorType, ImageBuffer, ImageEncoder, Pixel, Rgba, RgbaImage, }; use num_traits::Zero; pub const TILE_HEIGHT: u64 = 256; pub const TILE_WIDTH: u64 = 256; /// Main "lazy image buffer" struct. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct TileLayer { tiles: FnvHashMap<(u64, u64), ImageBuffer>>, default_pixel: P, width: u64, height: u64, } impl TileLayer

{ pub fn from_pixel(width: u64, height: u64, pixel: P) -> Self { TileLayer { tiles: Default::default(), default_pixel: pixel, width, height, } } pub fn width(&self) -> u64 { self.width } pub fn height(&self) -> u64 { self.height } fn index(&self, x: u64, y: u64) -> ((u64, u64), (u32, u32)) { ( (x / TILE_WIDTH, y / TILE_HEIGHT), ( (x % TILE_WIDTH).try_into().unwrap(), (y % TILE_HEIGHT).try_into().unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn enumerate_tiles( &self, ) -> impl Iterator>)> { self.tiles.iter().map(|((x, y), t)| (*x, *y, t)) } pub fn tile_mut(&mut self, tile_x: u64, tile_y: u64) -> &mut ImageBuffer> { self.tiles.entry((tile_x, tile_y)).or_insert_with(|| { ImageBuffer::from_pixel(TILE_WIDTH as u32, TILE_HEIGHT as u32, self.default_pixel) }) } pub fn tile_for_mut(&mut self, x: u64, y: u64) -> &mut ImageBuffer> { let ((tx, ty), _) = self.index(x, y); self.tile_mut(tx, ty) } pub fn get_pixel_checked(&self, x: u64, y: u64) -> Option<&P> { if x >= self.width || y >= self.height { return None; } let (outer_idx, (inner_x, inner_y)) = self.index(x, y); self.tiles .get(&outer_idx) .map(|tile| tile.get_pixel(inner_x, inner_y)) .or(Some(&self.default_pixel)) } pub fn get_pixel(&self, x: u64, y: u64) -> &P { // This is kinda cheating, but we care about the API for now, not the speed. We can // optimize this later. self.get_pixel_checked(x, y).unwrap() } pub fn get_pixel_mut_checked(&mut self, x: u64, y: u64) -> Option<&mut P> { if x >= self.width || y >= self.height { return None; } let ((outer_x, outer_y), (inner_x, inner_y)) = self.index(x, y); Some( self.tile_mut(outer_x, outer_y) .get_pixel_mut(inner_x, inner_y), ) } pub fn get_pixel_mut(&mut self, x: u64, y: u64) -> &mut P { self.get_pixel_mut_checked(x, y).unwrap() } /// Enumerate all pixels that are explicitely set in this layer. pub fn enumerate_pixels(&self) -> impl Iterator { self.tiles.iter().flat_map(|((tx, ty), tile)| { tile.enumerate_pixels().map(move |(x, y, p)| { ( u64::from(x) + tx * TILE_WIDTH, u64::from(y) + ty * TILE_HEIGHT, p, ) }) }) } /// Mutably enumerate all pixels that are explicitely set in this layer. pub fn enumerate_pixels_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator { self.tiles.iter_mut().flat_map(|((tx, ty), tile)| { tile.enumerate_pixels_mut().map(move |(x, y, p)| { ( u64::from(x) + tx * TILE_WIDTH, u64::from(y) + ty * TILE_HEIGHT, p, ) }) }) } pub fn pixels(&self) -> impl Iterator { self.enumerate_pixels().map(|x| x.2) } pub fn pixels_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator { self.enumerate_pixels_mut().map(|x| x.2) } pub fn tile_count(&self) -> usize { self.tiles.len() } /// Copies the non-zero pixels from `source` to `self`. /// /// A zero-pixel is identified by comparing all its channels' values with `Zero::zero()`. If /// any channel is non-zero, the pixel is considered non-zero and is copied. /// /// The top-left pixel of `source` is copied to `(x, y)`. /// /// This method is more efficient than repeatedly calling [`get_pixel_mut`], as it groups /// pixels by tile and only does one tile lookup. pub fn blit_nonzero(&mut self, x: u64, y: u64, source: &ImageBuffer>) { let zero = zero_pixel::

(); let source_width = u64::from(source.width()); let source_height = u64::from(source.height()); for tx in x / TILE_WIDTH..=(x + source_width) / TILE_WIDTH { for ty in y / TILE_HEIGHT..=(y + source_height) / TILE_HEIGHT { let tile = self.tile_mut(tx, ty); let offset_x = (tx * TILE_WIDTH).saturating_sub(x); let offset_y = (ty * TILE_HEIGHT).saturating_sub(y); let local_min_x = x.saturating_sub(tx * TILE_WIDTH); let local_min_y = y.saturating_sub(ty * TILE_HEIGHT); let local_max_x = TILE_WIDTH.min(x + source_width - tx * TILE_WIDTH); let local_max_y = TILE_HEIGHT.min(y + source_height - ty * TILE_HEIGHT); // Keep x in the inner loop for better cache locality! for (y, source_y) in (local_min_y..local_max_y).zip(offset_y..) { for (x, source_x) in (local_min_x..local_max_x).zip(offset_x..) { let pixel = source .get_pixel(source_x.try_into().unwrap(), source_y.try_into().unwrap()); if pixel.channels() != zero.channels() { *tile.get_pixel_mut(x.try_into().unwrap(), y.try_into().unwrap()) = *pixel; } } } } } } } impl TileLayer> { pub fn save_to_directory>(&self, path: S) -> Result<()> { let path = path.as_ref(); for ((x, y), tile) in self.tiles.iter() { let folder = path.join(&x.to_string()); let metadata = folder.metadata(); match metadata { Err(_) => fs::create_dir(&folder)?, Ok(m) if !m.is_dir() => bail!("Output path is not a directory"), _ => {} } let file = folder.join(&format!("{y}.png")); compress_png(tile, file)?; } Ok(()) } } pub fn compress_png>(image: &RgbaImage, path: P) -> Result<()> { let outstream = BufWriter::new(File::create(path)?); let encoder = PngEncoder::new_with_quality(outstream, CompressionType::Best, FilterType::Adaptive); encoder.write_image(&image, image.width(), image.height(), ColorType::Rgba8)?; Ok(()) } fn zero_pixel() -> P { let zeroes = vec![Zero::zero(); P::CHANNEL_COUNT as usize]; *P::from_slice(&zeroes) }