import alembic
import alembic.config
import alembic.command
import os
from pyramid.paster import get_appsettings
from pyramid.scripting import prepare
from pyramid.testing import DummyRequest, testConfig
import pytest
import transaction
import webtest

from fietsboek import main
from fietsboek import models
from fietsboek.models.meta import Base

def pytest_addoption(parser):
    parser.addoption('--ini', action='store', metavar='INI_FILE')

def ini_file(request):
    # potentially grab this path from a pytest option
    return os.path.abspath(request.config.option.ini or 'testing.ini')

def app_settings(ini_file):
    return get_appsettings(ini_file)

def dbengine(app_settings, ini_file):
    engine = models.get_engine(app_settings)

    alembic_cfg = alembic.config.Config(ini_file)
    alembic.command.stamp(alembic_cfg, None, purge=True)

    # run migrations to initialize the database
    # depending on how we want to initialize the database from scratch
    # we could alternatively call:
    # Base.metadata.create_all(bind=engine)
    # alembic.command.stamp(alembic_cfg, "head")
    alembic.command.upgrade(alembic_cfg, "head")

    yield engine

    alembic.command.stamp(alembic_cfg, None, purge=True)

def app(app_settings, dbengine):
    return main({}, dbengine=dbengine, **app_settings)

def tm():
    tm = transaction.TransactionManager(explicit=True)

    yield tm


def dbsession(app, tm):
    session_factory = app.registry['dbsession_factory']
    return models.get_tm_session(session_factory, tm)

def testapp(app, tm, dbsession):
    # override request.dbsession and with our own
    # externally-controlled values that are shared across requests but aborted
    # at the end
    testapp = webtest.TestApp(app, extra_environ={
        'HTTP_HOST': '',
        '': True,
        'tm.manager': tm,
        'app.dbsession': dbsession,

    return testapp

def app_request(app, tm, dbsession):
    A real request.

    This request is almost identical to a real request but it has some
    drawbacks in tests as it's harder to mock data and is heavier.

    with prepare(registry=app.registry) as env:
        request = env['request'] = ''

        # without this, request.dbsession will be joined to the same transaction
        # manager but it will be using a different sqlalchemy.orm.Session using
        # a separate database transaction
        request.dbsession = dbsession = tm

        yield request

def dummy_request(tm, dbsession):
    A lightweight dummy request.

    This request is ultra-lightweight and should be used only when the request
    itself is not a large focus in the call-stack.  It is much easier to mock
    and control side-effects using this object, however:

    - It does not have request extensions applied.
    - Threadlocals are not properly pushed.

    request = DummyRequest() = ''
    request.dbsession = dbsession = tm

    return request

def dummy_config(dummy_request):
    A dummy :class:`pyramid.config.Configurator` object.  This allows for
    mock configuration, including configuration for ``dummy_request``, as well
    as pushing the appropriate threadlocals.

    with testConfig(request=dummy_request) as config:
        yield config