"""The Badge model.""" from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPNotFound from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, LargeBinary, Text, select from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, relationship from .meta import Base if TYPE_CHECKING: from .track import Track class Badge(Base): """Represents a badge. Badges have a title and an image and can be defined by the admin. :ivar id: Database ID. :vartype id: int :ivar title: Title of the badge. :vartype title: str :ivar image: Image of the badge. :vartype image: bytes :ivar tracks: Tracks associated with this badge. :vartype tracks: list[fietsboek.models.track.Track] """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods __tablename__ = "badges" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) title = Column(Text) image = Column(LargeBinary) tracks: Mapped[list["Track"]] = relationship( "Track", secondary="track_badge_assoc", back_populates="badges" ) @classmethod def factory(cls, request): """Factory method to pass to a route definition. This factory retrieves the badge based on the ``badge_id`` matched route parameter, and returns the badge. If the badge is not found, ``HTTPNotFound`` is raised. :raises pyramid.httpexception.NotFound: If the badge is not found. :param request: The pyramid request. :type request: ~pyramid.request.Request :return: The badge. :type: Badge """ query = select(cls).filter_by(id=request.matchdict["badge_id"]) badge_object = request.dbsession.execute(query).scalar_one_or_none() if badge_object is None: raise HTTPNotFound() return badge_object