Configuration ============= The main configuration of Fietsboek is done via ``.ini``-files. By default, three such files exist: * ``production.ini`` contains the configuration for the production environment. It turns off debugging features (as they are a security risk!) and should contain the URL of the production database. This is the main file you want to use if you just want to deploy Fietsboek. * ``development.ini`` contains the configuration for local development on Fietsboek. **This should not be used for production purposes, as it provides debugging information that poses a security risk!** * ``testing.ini`` contains the configuration that the automated tests will use. Most of the configuration is in the ``[app:main]`` category and looks like this: .. code:: ini [app:main] use = egg:fietsboek pyramid.reload_templates = false pyramid.debug_authorization = false pyramid.debug_notfound = false pyramid.debug_routematch = false pyramid.default_locale_name = en email.from = email.smtp_url = debug://localhost:1025 available_locales = en de enable_account_registration = true session_key = sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///%(here)s/fietsboek.sqlite retry.attempts = 3 * You should leave the ``use``, ``pyramid.reload_templates`` and ``pyramid.debug_*`` settings as they are. * ``pyramid.default_locale_name`` can be used to set the default language of the installation. Note that Fietsboek will try to detect the user's language, so the ``default_locale_name`` is used as a fallback. * ``available_locales`` sets the list of available languages. Currently, Fietsboek ships with English ("en") and German ("de"). Removing a language from this list will make it unavailable. If you create a custom language locally, make sure to add it to this list here! * ``enable_account_registration`` can be used to enable and disable the creation of new accounts via the web interface, for example if you want to have a private instance. New accounts can always be created using the CLI management tool. * ``email.from`` sets the sender of emails, for example for account verifications. * ``email.smtp_url`` sets the URL of the SMTP server. The following formats are accepted: * ``debug://`` a debug implementation that simply prints emails to the standard output. Should not be used in production, as no emails would ever arrive. * ``smtp://host:port`` use the given SMTP server (without transport encryption!) * ``smtp+ssl://host:port`` use the given SMTP server over a SSL connection * ``smtp+starttls://host:port`` use the given SMTP server and the STARTTLS command to start an encrypted channel. * ``email.username`` and ``email.password`` can be used to set the login information for the SMTP server.