diff options
3 files changed, 244 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/fietsboek/scripts/fietsctl.py b/fietsboek/scripts/fietsctl.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c6a8c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fietsboek/scripts/fietsctl.py
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+"""Script to do maintenance work on a Fietsboek instance."""
+# pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string,unused-argument
+import argparse
+import getpass
+import sys
+from pyramid.paster import bootstrap, setup_logging
+from sqlalchemy import select
+from .. import models
+def cmd_useradd(env, args):
+ """Create a new user.
+ This user creation bypasses the "enable_account_registration" setting. It
+ also immediately sets the new user's account to being verified.
+ If email, name or password are not given as command line arguments, they
+ will be asked for interactively.
+ On success, the created user's unique ID will be printed.
+ Note that this function does less input validation and should therefore be used with care!
+ """
+ email = args.email
+ if not email:
+ email = input("Email address: ")
+ name = args.name
+ if not name:
+ name = input("Name: ")
+ password = args.password
+ if not password:
+ password = getpass.getpass()
+ # The UNIQUE constraint only prevents identical emails from being inserted,
+ # but does not take into account the case insensitivity. The least we
+ # should do here to not brick log ins for the user is to check if the email
+ # already exists.
+ query = models.User.query_by_email(email)
+ with env["request"].tm:
+ result = env["request"].dbsession.execute(query).scalar_one_or_none()
+ if result is not None:
+ print("Error: The given email already exists!", file=sys.stderr)
+ user = models.User(name=name, email=email, is_verified=True, is_admin=args.admin)
+ user.set_password(password)
+ with env["request"].tm:
+ dbsession = env["request"].dbsession
+ dbsession.add(user)
+ dbsession.flush()
+ user_id = user.id
+ print(user_id)
+ return EXIT_OKAY
+def cmd_userdel(env, args):
+ """Delete a user.
+ This command deletes the user's account as well as any tracks associated
+ with it.
+ This command is destructive and irreversibly deletes data.
+ """
+ if args.id:
+ query = select(models.User).filter_by(id=args.id)
+ else:
+ query = models.User.query_by_email(args.email)
+ with env["request"].tm:
+ dbsession = env["request"].dbsession
+ user = dbsession.execute(query).scalar_one_or_none()
+ if user is None:
+ print("Error: No such user found.", file=sys.stderr)
+ print(user.name)
+ print(user.email)
+ if not args.force:
+ query = input("Really delete this user? [y/N] ")
+ if query not in {'Y', 'y'}:
+ print("Aborted by user.")
+ dbsession.delete(user)
+ print("User deleted")
+ return EXIT_OKAY
+def cmd_userlist(env, args):
+ """Prints a listing of all user accounts.
+ The format is
+ [av] {ID} - {email} - {Name}
+ one line per user. The 'a' is added for admin accounts, the 'v' is added
+ for verified users.
+ """
+ with env["request"].tm:
+ dbsession = env["request"].dbsession
+ users = dbsession.execute(select(models.User).order_by(models.User.id)).scalars()
+ for user in users:
+ tag = '[{}{}]'.format(
+ 'a' if user.is_admin else '-',
+ 'v' if user.is_verified else '-',
+ )
+ print(f"{tag} {user.id} - {user.email} - {user.name}")
+ return EXIT_OKAY
+def cmd_passwd(env, args):
+ """Change the password of a user."""
+ if args.id:
+ query = select(models.User).filter_by(id=args.id)
+ else:
+ query = models.User.query_by_email(args.email)
+ with env["request"].tm:
+ dbsession = env["request"].dbsession
+ user = dbsession.execute(query).scalar_one_or_none()
+ if user is None:
+ print("Error: No such user found.", file=sys.stderr)
+ password = args.password
+ if not password:
+ password = getpass.getpass()
+ repeat = getpass.getpass("Repeat password: ")
+ if password != repeat:
+ print("Error: Mismatched passwords.")
+ user.set_password(password)
+ print(f"Changed password of {user.name} ({user.email})")
+ return EXIT_OKAY
+def parse_args(argv):
+ """Parse the given args.
+ :param argv: List of arguments.
+ :type argv: list[str]
+ :return: The parsed arguments.
+ :rtype: argparse.Namespace
+ """
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-c', '--config',
+ dest='config_uri',
+ help='configuration file, e.g., development.ini',
+ required=True,
+ )
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='available subcommands', required=True)
+ p_useradd = subparsers.add_parser(
+ "useradd",
+ help="create a new user",
+ description=cmd_useradd.__doc__,
+ )
+ p_useradd.add_argument(
+ '--email',
+ help="email address of the user",
+ )
+ p_useradd.add_argument(
+ '--name',
+ help="name of the user",
+ )
+ p_useradd.add_argument(
+ '--password',
+ help="password of the user",
+ )
+ p_useradd.add_argument(
+ '--admin',
+ action='store_true',
+ help="make the new user an admin",
+ )
+ p_useradd.set_defaults(func=cmd_useradd)
+ p_userdel = subparsers.add_parser(
+ "userdel",
+ help="delete a user account",
+ description=cmd_userdel.__doc__,
+ )
+ p_userdel.add_argument(
+ '--force', '-f',
+ action='store_true',
+ help="override the safety check",
+ )
+ group = p_userdel.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+ group.add_argument(
+ '--id', '-i',
+ type=int,
+ help="database ID of the user",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ '--email', '-e',
+ help="email of the user",
+ )
+ p_userdel.set_defaults(func=cmd_userdel)
+ p_userlist = subparsers.add_parser(
+ "userlist",
+ help="list user accounts",
+ description=cmd_userlist.__doc__,
+ )
+ p_userlist.set_defaults(func=cmd_userlist)
+ p_passwd = subparsers.add_parser(
+ "passwd",
+ help="change user password",
+ description=cmd_userdel.__doc__,
+ )
+ p_passwd.add_argument(
+ '--password',
+ help="password of the user",
+ )
+ group = p_passwd.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+ group.add_argument(
+ '--id', '-i',
+ type=int,
+ help="database ID of the user",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ '--email', '-e',
+ help="email of the user",
+ )
+ p_passwd.set_defaults(func=cmd_passwd)
+ return parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
+def main(argv=None):
+ """Main entry point."""
+ if argv is None:
+ argv = sys.argv
+ args = parse_args(argv)
+ setup_logging(args.config_uri)
+ env = bootstrap(args.config_uri)
+ sys.exit(args.func(env, args))
diff --git a/fietsboek/scripts/initialize_db.py b/fietsboek/scripts/initialize_db.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d3de7ce..0000000
--- a/fietsboek/scripts/initialize_db.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-"""Script to initialize the tables in the database."""
-# pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
-import argparse
-import sys
-from pyramid.paster import bootstrap, setup_logging
-from .. import models
-def parse_args(argv):
- """Parse the given args.
- :param argv: List of arguments.
- :type argv: list[str]
- :return: The parsed arguments.
- :rtype: argparse.Namespace
- """
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument(
- 'config_uri',
- help='Configuration file, e.g., development.ini',
- )
- return parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
-def main(argv=sys.argv):
- """Main entry point."""
- args = parse_args(argv)
- setup_logging(args.config_uri)
- env = bootstrap(args.config_uri)
- models.meta.metadata.create_all(env['request'].dbsession.get_bind())
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 58b69b9..d6267a6 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ setup(
'main = fietsboek:main',
'console_scripts': [
- 'initialize_fietsboek_db=fietsboek.scripts.initialize_db:main',
+ 'fietsctl=fietsboek.scripts.fietsctl:main',