path: root/doc/administration
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authorDaniel Schadt <kingdread@gmx.de>2022-07-09 11:28:32 +0200
committerDaniel Schadt <kingdread@gmx.de>2022-07-09 11:37:30 +0200
commit6e0588f4cb26548344a33f8530ded631e7e85aaf (patch)
treec892ec9aa66189486a511988419d53c1deb282ed /doc/administration
parentbb6714e9d7468465f23bf0e163d06517de397dbe (diff)
start writing docs properly, not in the README
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/administration')
4 files changed, 303 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/administration/backup.rst b/doc/administration/backup.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9566e38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/administration/backup.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Backup & Restore
+A well-maintained Fietsboek instance should have regular backups configured in
+case data is lost due unforseen reasons.
+.. note::
+ As a rule of thumb: A backup that you haven't restored is not a backup!
+ Part of the backup process is to ensure that the backups actually contain
+ the necessary data and that the restoration process works. Make sure to
+ test your backups on a separate installation of Fietsboek.
+All of the Fietsboek data is contained in the database. You should refer to the
+manual of your DBMS to see what the procedure for a backup is. Using the
+preferred way for your DBMS ensures that your backup represents a consistent
+state of the database.
+In addition to the actual data, you should also note down the Fietsboek version
+and the database schema version, as backups can only be restored to the same
+To view the fietsboek version in case you are using ``git``, you can use the
+following command:
+.. code:: bash
+ git rev-parse HEAD
+To view the database schema version, use ``alembic``:
+.. code:: bash
+ .venv/bin/alembic -c development.ini current
+Note those value in addition to your backup.
+The restoration process works in three steps:
+First, we ensure that we are on the correct Fietsboek version. If you are using
+``git``, this can be done with ``git checkout``:
+.. code:: bash
+Then, we get the database schema to the right version:
+.. code:: bash
+ .venv/bin/alembic -c production.ini upgrade NOTED_ALEMBIC_VERSION_HERE
+Finally, we can restore the data. This step is dependent on the DBMS that you,
+therefore you should consult its documentation.
diff --git a/doc/administration/configuration.rst b/doc/administration/configuration.rst
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+++ b/doc/administration/configuration.rst
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+The main configuration of Fietsboek is done via ``.ini``-files. By default,
+three such files exist:
+* ``production.ini`` contains the configuration for the production environment.
+ It turns off debugging features (as they are a security risk!) and should
+ contain the URL of the production database. This is the main file you want to
+ use if you just want to deploy Fietsboek.
+* ``development.ini`` contains the configuration for local development on
+ Fietsboek. **This should not be used for production purposes, as it provides
+ debugging information that poses a security risk!**
+* ``testing.ini`` contains the configuration that the automated tests will use.
+Most of the configuration is in the ``[app:main]`` category and looks like this:
+.. code:: ini
+ [app:main]
+ use = egg:fietsboek
+ pyramid.reload_templates = false
+ pyramid.debug_authorization = false
+ pyramid.debug_notfound = false
+ pyramid.debug_routematch = false
+ pyramid.default_locale_name = en
+ email.from = fietsboek@kingdread.de
+ email.smtp_url = debug://localhost:1025
+ available_locales = en de
+ enable_account_registration = true
+ session_key = <EDIT THIS>
+ sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///%(here)s/fietsboek.sqlite
+ retry.attempts = 3
+* You should leave the ``use``, ``pyramid.reload_templates`` and
+ ``pyramid.debug_*`` settings as they are.
+* ``pyramid.default_locale_name`` can be used to set the default language of
+ the installation. Note that Fietsboek will try to detect the user's language,
+ so the ``default_locale_name`` is used as a fallback.
+* ``available_locales`` sets the list of available languages. Currently,
+ Fietsboek ships with English ("en") and German ("de"). Removing a language
+ from this list will make it unavailable. If you create a custom language
+ locally, make sure to add it to this list here!
+* ``enable_account_registration`` can be used to enable and disable the
+ creation of new accounts via the web interface, for example if you want to
+ have a private instance. New accounts can always be created using the CLI
+ management tool.
+* ``email.from`` sets the sender of emails, for example for account verifications.
+* ``email.smtp_url`` sets the URL of the SMTP server. The following formats are accepted:
+ * ``debug://`` a debug implementation that simply prints emails to the
+ standard output. Should not be used in production, as no emails would ever
+ arrive.
+ * ``smtp://host:port`` use the given SMTP server (without transport encryption!)
+ * ``smtp+ssl://host:port`` use the given SMTP server over a SSL connection
+ * ``smtp+starttls://host:port`` use the given SMTP server and the STARTTLS
+ command to start an encrypted channel.
+* ``email.username`` and ``email.password`` can be used to set the login
+ information for the SMTP server.
diff --git a/doc/administration/installation.rst b/doc/administration/installation.rst
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index 0000000..b8ede06
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+++ b/doc/administration/installation.rst
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+This document will outline the installation process of Fietsboek, step-by-step.
+Creating an Environment
+It is advised that you keep your Fietsboek installation in a separate `virtual
+environment <https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/>`__. This makes sure that
+the dependencies that Fietsboek pulls in do not interfere with your system's
+libraries, and it makes sure that you can upgrade those components easily
+without affecting other installed programs.
+We will assume that you create your environment in the ``.venv`` folder. Any
+path can be choosen, you just need to remember it for later
+.. code:: bash
+ # If Python 3 is the default on your system:
+ virtualenv .venv
+ # Otherwise:
+ virtualenv -p python3 .venv
+Installing the Python Modules
+The Python package manager takes care of installing all dependencies, all you
+need to do is tell it to install Fietsboek:
+.. code:: bash
+ # Assuming that we are in the Fietsboek folder
+ .venv/bin/pip install .
+ # Alternatively
+ .venv/bin/pip path/to/fietsboek/repository
+Optionally, you can install ``lxml``, which provides a faster XML parser to
+process the GPX files:
+.. code:: bash
+ .venv/bin/pip install lxml
+Configuring Fietsboek
+Before you can run Fietsboek, you need to adjust your configuration. See
+:doc:`configuration` for that.
+Setting up the Database
+Fietsboek uses `alembic <https://alembic.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/>`__ to
+manage the database scheme. To set up the initial database, run
+.. code:: bash
+ .venv/bin/alembic -c production.ini upgrade head
+Adding an Administrator User
+You can use the ``fietsctl`` command line program to add administrator users:
+.. code:: bash
+ .venv/bin/fietsctl -c production.ini useradd --admin
+Running Fietsboek
+To run Fietsboek, simply run
+.. code:: bash
+ .venv/bin/pserve production.ini
+.. warning::
+ It is strongly advised that you use a httpd configured with SSL as a
+ reverse proxy (such as `Apache2
+ <https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/howto/reverse_proxy.html>`__ or
+ `nginx <https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_proxy_module.html>`__) to
+ handle external traffic to Fietsboek!
+ Fietsboek itself does not use SSL encryption for its traffic, and not
+ setting up a proper reverse proxy will put your user's data at risk!
+The default server uses `waitress
+<https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/waitress/en/stable/index.html>`__ and
+should be enough for small to medium traffic. It is implemented purely in
+Python and should run on most systems.
+Alternatively, you can switch to `gunicorn <https://gunicorn.org/>`__ or
+`mod_wsgi <https://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/master/>`__ for better
+performance. For those, refer to the Pyramid documentation for more information:
+* `gunicorn
+ <https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid_cookbook/en/latest/deployment/gunicorn.html>`__
+* `mod_wsgi
+ <https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/en/latest/tutorials/modwsgi/index.html>`__
+Maintaining Fietsboek
+A good installation should be well-oiled, which means it should be
+:doc:`updated <upgrading>` to new versions and :doc:`backups <backup>` should
+be done frequently.
diff --git a/doc/administration/upgrading.rst b/doc/administration/upgrading.rst
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+Fietsboek does not currently have an automated updater, however it is quite
+simple to update Fietsboek manually.
+.. warning::
+ Make sure to have backups of your user data ready in case the upgrade fails!
+.. note::
+ It is advised to stop the Fietsboek server during the backup process.
+Pulling the New Code
+First, we need to pull the new code. This step depends on the source that you
+have installed Fietsboek from. In the case that you use ``git``, this can be
+done in the following way:
+.. code:: bash
+ git pull
+ git checkout v42.0 # Put in the version that you want to update to here
+If you have downloaded an archive with the Fietsboek source, you need to
+download the archive with the new version and extract it somewhere.
+Installing the Python Module
+Use ``pip`` to install the new version of the Fietsboek package, as well as any
+new additional dependencies:
+.. code:: bash
+ .venv/bin/pip install .
+This step is similar to the command that you used when installing Fietsboek
+Note that removed dependencies are not automatically removed. It might be worth
+to start with a clean virtual environment from time to time to clear out old
+Upgrading the Database
+.. warning::
+ It cannot be stressed enough that you should have backups of your data. This
+ is your last chance.
+Some updates might change the database schema. Those updates come with database
+migrations that can adapt an existing database to the new schema. In order to
+do so, use ``alembic``:
+.. code:: bash
+ .venv/bin/alembic -c production.ini upgrade head
+Restarting Fietsboek
+You can now run Fietsboek again. This step depends on the method that you use
+to deploy Fietsboek.