path: root/src/statistics/trackers.rs
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 443 deletions
diff --git a/src/statistics/trackers.rs b/src/statistics/trackers.rs
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index 16cb755..0000000
--- a/src/statistics/trackers.rs
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-//! evtclib tracker definitions.
-//! The idea behind a "tracker" is to have one object taking care of one
-//! specific thing. This makes it easier to organize the whole "statistic
-//! gathering loop", and it keeps each tracker somewhat small.
-//! It's also easy to define your own trackers if there are any statistics that
-//! you want to track. Just implement [`Tracker`](trait.Tracker.html). It
-//! doesn't matter what you track, it doesn't matter how many trackers you
-//! define.
-//! If you want to track stats separated by player or phases, consider writing
-//! your tracker in a way that it only tracks statistics for a single player,
-//! and then use a [`Multiplexer`](struct.Multiplexer.html) to automatically
-//! track it for every player/agent.
-//! You can use [`run_trackers`](../fn.run_trackers.html) to run multiple
-//! trackers on the same log.
-use std::collections::HashMap;
-use std::error::Error;
-use super::super::{Event, EventKind, Log};
-use super::boon::{BoonLog, BoonQueue};
-use super::damage::{DamageLog, DamageType};
-use super::gamedata::{self, Mechanic, Trigger};
-use super::mechanics::MechanicLog;
-use super::super::raw::CbtResult;
-use fnv::FnvHashMap;
-/// A tracker.
-/// A tracker should be responsible for tracking a single statistic. Each
-/// tracker is fed each event. If an error is returned while feeding, the whole
-/// calculation will be aborted.
-pub trait Tracker {
- /// The resulting statistic that this tracker will return.
- type Stat;
- /// The error that this tracker might return.
- type Error: Error;
- /// Feed a single event into this tracker.
- ///
- /// The tracker will update its internal state.
- fn feed(&mut self, event: &Event) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
- /// Finalize this tracker and get the statistics out.
- fn finalize(self) -> Result<Self::Stat, Self::Error>;
-/// A helper trait that erases the types from a tracker.
-/// This makes it able to use references like `&mut RunnableTracker` without
-/// having to specify the generic types, allowing you to e.g. store a bunch of
-/// them in a vector, regardless of their output type. Unless you want to do
-/// that, you probably don't want to use this trait directly.
-/// Note that you do not need to implement this yourself. It is automatically
-/// implemented for all types that implement `Tracker`.
-/// RunnableTrackers provide no way to extract their resources, and they wrap
-/// all errors in `Box<_>`, so you should always keep a "real" reference around
-/// if you plan on getting any data.
-pub trait RunnableTracker {
- /// See `Tracker.feed()`. Renamed to avoid conflicts.
- fn run_feed(&mut self, event: &Event) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>>;
-impl<S, E: Error + 'static, T: Tracker<Stat = S, Error = E>> RunnableTracker for T {
- fn run_feed(&mut self, event: &Event) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
- self.feed(event).map_err(|e| Box::new(e) as Box<dyn Error>)
- }
-/// A tracker that tracks per-target damage of all agents.
-pub struct DamageTracker<'l> {
- log: &'l Log,
- damage_log: DamageLog,
-impl<'t> DamageTracker<'t> {
- /// Create a new damage tracker for the given log.
- pub fn new(log: &Log) -> DamageTracker {
- DamageTracker {
- log,
- damage_log: DamageLog::new(),
- }
- }
-impl<'t> Tracker for DamageTracker<'t> {
- type Stat = DamageLog;
- type Error = !;
- fn feed(&mut self, event: &Event) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
- match event.kind {
- EventKind::Physical {
- source_agent_addr,
- destination_agent_addr,
- damage,
- skill_id,
- ..
- } => {
- let source = if let Some(master) = self.log.master_agent(source_agent_addr) {
- master.addr
- } else {
- source_agent_addr
- };
- self.damage_log.log(
- event.time,
- source,
- destination_agent_addr,
- DamageType::Physical,
- skill_id,
- damage as u64,
- );
- }
- EventKind::ConditionTick {
- source_agent_addr,
- destination_agent_addr,
- damage,
- condition_id,
- ..
- } => {
- let source = if let Some(master) = self.log.master_agent(source_agent_addr) {
- master.addr
- } else {
- source_agent_addr
- };
- self.damage_log.log(
- event.time,
- source,
- destination_agent_addr,
- DamageType::Condition,
- condition_id,
- damage as u64,
- );
- }
- _ => (),
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- fn finalize(self) -> Result<Self::Stat, Self::Error> {
- Ok(self.damage_log)
- }
-/// Tracks when the log has been started.
-pub struct LogStartTracker {
- event_time: u64,
-impl LogStartTracker {
- /// Create a new log start tracker.
- pub fn new() -> LogStartTracker {
- LogStartTracker { event_time: 0 }
- }
-impl Tracker for LogStartTracker {
- type Stat = u64;
- type Error = !;
- fn feed(&mut self, event: &Event) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
- if let EventKind::LogStart { .. } = event.kind {
- self.event_time = event.time;
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- fn finalize(self) -> Result<Self::Stat, Self::Error> {
- Ok(self.event_time)
- }
-/// A tracker that tracks the combat entry and exit times for each agent.
-pub struct CombatTimeTracker {
- times: HashMap<u64, (u64, u64)>,
-impl CombatTimeTracker {
- /// Create a new combat time tracker.
- pub fn new() -> CombatTimeTracker {
- Default::default()
- }
-impl Tracker for CombatTimeTracker {
- // Maps from agent addr to (entry time, exit time)
- type Stat = HashMap<u64, (u64, u64)>;
- type Error = !;
- fn feed(&mut self, event: &Event) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
- match event.kind {
- EventKind::EnterCombat { agent_addr, .. } => {
- self.times.entry(agent_addr).or_insert((0, 0)).0 = event.time;
- }
- EventKind::ExitCombat { agent_addr } => {
- self.times.entry(agent_addr).or_insert((0, 0)).1 = event.time;
- }
- _ => (),
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- fn finalize(self) -> Result<Self::Stat, Self::Error> {
- Ok(self.times)
- }
-/// A tracker that tracks the total "boon area" per agent.
-/// The boon area is defined as the amount of stacks multiplied by the time. So
-/// 1 stack of Might for 1000 milliseconds equals 1000 "stackmilliseconds" of
-/// Might. You can use this boon area to calculate the average amount of stacks
-/// by taking the boon area and dividing it by the combat time.
-/// Note that this also tracks conditions, because internally, they're handled
-/// the same way.
-/// This tracker only tracks the boons that are known to evtclib, that is the
-/// boons defined in `evtclib::statistics::gamedata::BOONS`.
-pub struct BoonTracker {
- boon_logs: FnvHashMap<u64, BoonLog>,
- boon_queues: FnvHashMap<u64, FnvHashMap<u32, BoonQueue>>,
- last_time: u64,
-impl BoonTracker {
- /// Creates a new boon tracker for the given agent.
- pub fn new() -> BoonTracker {
- BoonTracker {
- boon_logs: Default::default(),
- boon_queues: Default::default(),
- last_time: 0,
- }
- }
- /// Updates the internal boon queues by the given amount of milliseconds.
- ///
- /// * `delta_t` - Amount of milliseconds to update.
- fn update_queues(&mut self, delta_t: u64) {
- if delta_t == 0 {
- return;
- }
- self.boon_queues
- .values_mut()
- .flat_map(|m| m.values_mut())
- .for_each(|queue| queue.simulate(delta_t));
- }
- fn cleanup_queues(&mut self) {
- // Throw away empty boon queues or to improve performance
- self.boon_queues
- .values_mut()
- .for_each(|m| m.retain(|_, q| !q.is_empty()));
- self.boon_queues.retain(|_, q| !q.is_empty());
- }
- fn update_logs(&mut self, time: u64) {
- for (agent, boons) in &self.boon_queues {
- let agent_log = self
- .boon_logs
- .entry(*agent)
- .or_insert_with(Default::default);
- for (boon_id, queue) in boons {
- agent_log.log(time, *boon_id, queue.current_stacks());
- }
- }
- }
- /// Get the boon queue for the given buff_id.
- ///
- /// If the queue does not yet exist, create it.
- ///
- /// * `agent_addr` - The address of the agent.
- /// * `buff_id` - The buff (or condition) id.
- fn get_queue(&mut self, agent_addr: u64, buff_id: u32) -> Option<&mut BoonQueue> {
- use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
- let entry = self
- .boon_queues
- .entry(agent_addr)
- .or_insert_with(Default::default)
- .entry(buff_id);
- match entry {
- // Queue already exists
- Entry::Occupied(e) => Some(e.into_mut()),
- // Queue needs to be created, but only if we know about that boon.
- Entry::Vacant(e) => {
- let boon_queue = gamedata::get_boon(buff_id).map(gamedata::Boon::create_queue);
- if let Some(queue) = boon_queue {
- Some(e.insert(queue))
- } else {
- None
- }
- }
- }
- }
-impl Tracker for BoonTracker {
- type Stat = HashMap<u64, BoonLog>;
- type Error = !;
- fn feed(&mut self, event: &Event) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
- let delta_t = event.time - self.last_time;
- self.update_queues(delta_t);
- match event.kind {
- EventKind::BuffApplication {
- destination_agent_addr,
- buff_id,
- duration,
- ..
- } => {
- if let Some(queue) = self.get_queue(destination_agent_addr, buff_id) {
- queue.add_stack(duration as u64);
- }
- }
- // XXX: Properly handle SINGLE and MANUAL removal types
- EventKind::BuffRemove {
- destination_agent_addr,
- buff_id,
- ..
- } => {
- if let Some(queue) = self.get_queue(destination_agent_addr, buff_id) {
- queue.clear();
- }
- }
- _ => (),
- }
- self.update_logs(event.time);
- self.last_time = event.time;
- self.cleanup_queues();
- Ok(())
- }
- fn finalize(self) -> Result<Self::Stat, Self::Error> {
- // Convert from FnvHashMap to HashMap in order to not leak
- // implementation details.
- Ok(self.boon_logs.into_iter().collect())
- }
-/// A tracker that tracks boss mechanics for each player.
-pub struct MechanicTracker {
- log: MechanicLog,
- available_mechanics: Vec<&'static Mechanic>,
- boss_addresses: Vec<u64>,
-impl MechanicTracker {
- /// Create a new mechanic tracker that watches over the given mechanics.
- pub fn new(boss_addresses: Vec<u64>, mechanics: Vec<&'static Mechanic>) -> MechanicTracker {
- MechanicTracker {
- log: MechanicLog::default(),
- available_mechanics: mechanics,
- boss_addresses,
- }
- }
-impl MechanicTracker {
- fn is_boss(&self, addr: u64) -> bool {
- self.boss_addresses.contains(&addr)
- }
-impl Tracker for MechanicTracker {
- type Stat = MechanicLog;
- type Error = !;
- fn feed(&mut self, event: &Event) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
- for mechanic in &self.available_mechanics {
- match (&event.kind, &mechanic.1) {
- (
- EventKind::Physical {
- source_agent_addr,
- destination_agent_addr,
- skill_id,
- result,
- ..
- },
- Trigger::SkillOnPlayer(trigger_id),
- )
- if skill_id == trigger_id
- && self.is_boss(*source_agent_addr)
- && *result != CbtResult::Evade
- && *result != CbtResult::Absorb
- && *result != CbtResult::Block =>
- {
- self.log
- .increase(event.time, mechanic, *destination_agent_addr);
- }
- (
- EventKind::BuffApplication {
- destination_agent_addr,
- buff_id,
- ..
- },
- Trigger::BoonPlayer(trigger_id),
- )
- if buff_id == trigger_id =>
- {
- // Some buff applications are registered multiple times. So
- // instead of counting those quick successions separately
- // (and thus having a wrong count), we check if this
- // mechanic has already been logged "shortly before" (10 millisecons).
- if self
- .log
- .count_between(event.time - 10, event.time + 1, |m, w| {
- &m == mechanic && w == *destination_agent_addr
- })
- == 0
- {
- self.log
- .increase(event.time, mechanic, *destination_agent_addr);
- }
- }
- _ => (),
- }
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- fn finalize(self) -> Result<Self::Stat, Self::Error> {
- Ok(self.log)
- }